Socialist legality. 1934, No. 2 (February)

Socialist legality: the organ of the USSR Prosecutor's Office. - Moscow: Soviet Legislation, 1934-1991
1934, No. 2 (February). - 1934. - 55, [1] p. -
Contents: No mercy to the scrapers / IA Akulov. Prosecutor's Office in the struggle for quality / V. Zorin. Underestimation by the prosecutor's office of the law of December 8 / V. Tar. How do we fight for product quality. The fight against embezzlement in trade / S. Berezovskaya. Stronger impact on bureaucracy and red tape in work on complaints / B. Briskin. Prophylactic work of the prosecutor's office and court / N. Lagovier. The prosecutor's office and the press / N. Aleksandrovsky. For a clear application of the law / A. Pyatakov. The struggle of the prosecutor's office for fuel economy / L. Chernov and other materials .
1. Power (collection). 2. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 3. Right - USSR - Periodicals. 4. Prosecutor's Office - USSR - Periodicals. 5. Departmental magazines - the USSR. 6. Legal journals - the USSR.
BBK 67.3 (2) 6y52
BBK 67.721.1 (2) -1y52
E-copy source: PB
Storage location: SPbSU
Publisher Советское законодательство
Catalogue object