The Presidential library opened the Territory of Russia Year on the Knowledge Day
On September 1 the Boris Yeltsin Presidential library launched a conference entitled “Territory of Russia in digital space”, thus it dedicated the 2010 Knowledge Day to the territory of Russia.
Professor Brumfield visited Presidential Library
On August 25, 2010 William Brumfield, professor of Slavic studies from the Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana visited the Presidential Library. The visit was of familiarization type.
The Library of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea visited the Presidential Library
On July 12, 2010 the delegation of the Library of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea made an official visit to the Presidential Library.
IFLA-2010 kicks off in Gothenburg
Delegation of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library headed by its Director General professor Alexander P. Vershinin, Doctor of Law, took part in the conference IFLA-2010.
Presidential Library and Rectors’ Council sign Cooperation Agreement
On July 21 2010 within the framework of the St. Petersburg Rectors’ Council session Director General of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library A. P. Vershinin and the Chairman of the St. Petersburg Rectors’ Council V. N. Vasilev signed a Cooperation Agreement.
Conference on state symbols’ popularization kicked off at the Presidential Library
The 2nd All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference called “Libraries’ activities on popularization of state symbols of the Russian Federation” kicked off on July 16 2010 at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
Russian-German forum “Petersburg Forum” launched in Yekaterinburg
Director General of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library participated in the work of the Russian-German forum called “Petersburg Forum” which took place 13 - 15 July 2010 in Yekaterinburg.
Interactive seminar held in the Presidential Library
On July 7, 2010 in the Presidential Library took place an interactive seminar “Russia in XXI century: in search of the national development strategy”.
The conference on legislation and law enforcement in the Presidential Library
June 24 – 26, 2010 in Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library was held theoretical and practical conference ‘Legislation and law enforcement practice monitoring’.
Delegation of the Presidential Library attended the World Digital Library conference
June 21-27, 2010 the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library delegation led by the Director General A. P. Vershinin visited the USA.