“St. Petersburg Quays” Festival kicked off at the Presidential Library
The main performance of the American tenor on November 12 2010 – is the first public concert at building of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library. This concert gave a start to the festival called “St. Petersburg Quays”.
Presidential Library and the National Assembly Library of the Republic of Korea sign Memorandum of Cooperation
On November 10 2010 in Seoul during the visit of the President of Russia to the Republic of Korea the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library and the National Assembly Library of the Republic of Korea signed Memorandum of Cooperation.
Presidential Library announces winners of the “Foreign View” photo contest
On November 9 2010 the Boris Yeltsin Presidential library held a solemn award ceremony of winners of the International photo contest “Foreign View”.
Presidential Library took part in the “Dialogue: Russia – Republic of Korea” Forum
On November 8 2010 the delegation of the Presidential Library, headed by its Director General A.P. Vershinin, arrived in Seoul in order to take part in the work of the Civil Society Forum called “Dialogue: Russia – Republic of Korea”.
Fifth International Film Festival “The World of Knowledge” opened at the Presidential library
The Fifth International Film Festival of popular-science film “The World of Knowledge”, which aims to revive interest to the popular-science film, was mounted at the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library on November 1 2010.
Presidential Library brings together librarians, archivists and museum workers
On October 28 2010 the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library hosted the conference called “Cultural Heritage: creation of regional electronic information resources of cultural institutions”.
Presidential library: Third session of the russian-american Working group kicked off in the United States
On October 21-22 2010 the Russian delegation presided over by V.I. Kozhin, Presidential Management and Administration Department head, participated in the work of the third session of the russian-amercian Working group on library cooperation.
International conference on endowment funds kicked off at the Presidential library
The International conference called “University endowment funds: practical aspects of foundation and development” under the aegis of the St. Petersburg Rectors’ Council kicked off on October 14 2010 at the Presidential library.
Delegation of the Bavarian State Library visited the Presidential Library
On October 13-14 2010 the delegation of the Bavarian State Library paid a visit to the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library. The goal of the visit was familiarization with the work of the Presidential Library and holding a joint working meeting focused on further cooperation.
Presidential library joined the International conference
On October 4 - 5 2010 the delegation of the Presidential library took part in the international conference Round Table “Russia-Korea: talks on future strategies".