The Presidential Library hosts the Cosmonautics Day

12 April 2018

A conference-webinar "Cosmonautics Day in the Presidential Library" will be held on April 12, 2018 at 10:00 Moscow time. The event will be broadcasted live on the Presidential Library portal in the section "Live Broadcast".

The conference will be attended by cadets of the A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy, pupils of the D. F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEKh", the St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. The V. Y. Shishkov Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library, the N. N. Muravyov-Amursky Amur Regional Scientific Library, the Sakhalin Regional Universal Scientific Library, the A. I. Herzen Kirov Regional Universal Scientific Library, the Pushkin Omsk State Regional Scientific Library and others joined them via video-conferencing mode.

After the demonstration of the launch video of the “Soyuz-FG” rocket with the manned spacecraft “Soyuz MS-08”, which took place on March 21, 2018, the hero of the Russian Federation, Pilot-Cosmonaut P. V. Vinogradov, Vice-President of the North -West Regional Organization of the Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia O. P. Mukhin, the dean of the engineering and physical faculty of the Amur State University A. V. Kozyr will greet the audience.

The conference will focus on K. E. Tsiolkovsky (a new collection "K. E. Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935)" is presented on the Presidential library portal), the anniversary of the first edition of his book "Exploration of the world spaces with jet devices", training of personnel for the "Vostochny" Cosmodrome on the basis of the Amur State University, the 30th anniversary of the flight of the space shuttle “Buran”, the Museum of Astronautics and the feat of Valentina Tereshkova. There will be also held the presentation of the educational project "We are Space. Gagarin's lesson".

The collection "Outer Space", presented on the portal of the Presidential Library, continues to be enriched with new exclusive materials. Among them - a selection of 15 theoretical works by such famous researchers as A. Fersman ("Chemical elements of earth and space" in 1923), J. Perelman ("Interplanetary Travels" in 1935), J. Messer ("Star Atlas for heavenly observations" of 1901), etc. Here are memorable issues of newspapers on April 12, 1961, books on space exploration, including those written by astronauts themselves, publicists investigating this topic. In addition, these are postcards, medals, photographs, newsreel frames that give a complete picture of the first launches and conquerors of the space.


Accreditation for media representatives is available until 11:00, April 11, 2018.

Applications for accreditation should be sent in the attached form with a note "Media Accreditation" to email addresses:, Tatyana Pechnikova, tel.: (812) 305-16-21, ext. 534; mob.: +7 921 998-06-78

The letter should contain the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact numbers, name of the media.

Please, note, that the entrance to the Presidential Library is carried out only upon prior request and upon showing a passport: participants and guests of the event go through entrance № 1, representatives of the media go through entrance № 2.