Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich, ethnographer, Tobolsk local historian, explorer of the north of Western Siberia, was born
Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich, future chief governorate forester, ethnographer, Tobolsk local historian, explorer of the north of Western Siberia, was born on April 10 (22), 1854 to a family of a governorate secretary in Grodno Governorate.
Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich was the third child in the family. He was baptized in a Roman Catholic church and named after his father. He got the double surname Dunin-Gorkavich, which included the former family nickname. His passion for nature began in childhood that he spent on woody banks of the mighty Neman River. Over time it grew into a serious hobby and prompted the choice of profession. After finishing the Grodno classical gymnasium (school), he continued his education at the Lisino college, graduated in forestry and was invited for an internship in Tsarskoye Selo forest district.
In 1875 Dunin-Gorkavich began the service in the Life Guards Grenadier Regiment of His Imperial Majesty Tsar Alexander II. In 1877-1878 he participated in the Russo-Turkish War and liberation of Bulgaria from the oppression of the Ottoman Empire. For courage and resourcefulness on the battlefield he was awarded the medal "For Bravery" and promoted to an officer of junior rank.
Alexander Dudin-Gorkavich finished his military service and worked for thirteen years in the forest districts in Ryazan region and studied recent literature on history, geography, economy and statistics of Russia.
In June 1890 by order of the Foresters’ Corps of Russia, he was sent to Tobolsk Governorate, where he headed the country's largest Samarovo forest district. On the recommendation of the governorate astronomer N. L. Skalozubov in the 1890s he embarked on exploration of taiga forests in the Middle Ob region and began to build up ethnographic collections for the Tobolsk Governorate museum. The results of research work and collecting appeared in some publications, including the article The North of Tobolsk Governorate in the issue of Yezhegodnik Tobolskogo Gubernskogo Muzeya (Annual Publication of Tobolsk Governorate Museum) of 1897.
Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich mounted and funded a large-scale expedition (1898-1903) to explore the north of the Ob region: he comprehensively studied natural conditions, the economic situation, carried out topographical surveys. He used the materials of surveys for making the map of Tobolsk Governorate. The researcher also focused on shipping, rail transport, northern crop production, fodder for cattle breeding, reindeer breeding, hunting and fishery. He took part in the design of railway lines to Tobolsk and Yamal, worked on the projects for economic development, improvement of daily living conditions and health protection of indigenous people.
From 1903 to 1908 Dunin-Gorkavich conducted research in the polar region. In 1908 he led an expedition, which was launched by the Russian Geographical Society and a shipping company. The purpose of the expedition was to explore the lower reaches of the Ob River.
From 1908 to 1918 Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich held the post of an official of special assignments at the Main Land Development and Forest Management Directorate in Tobolsk Governorate. From 1918 to 1919 he was an assistant head of Tobolsk Agricultural Directorate. In 1920 he wrote a course of lectures on regional studies, which he later gave at the veterinary college. In 1921 he co-founded the Society for Regional Studies at the Museum of Tobolsk North, and in 1922 he was elected its honorary member.
Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich passed away at the age of 72 on January 9, 1927 in Tobolsk, at the desk while editing a new manuscript. He was buried at the Zavalny cemetery in Tobolsk.
The scientific heritage of Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich includes over 70 publications and handwritten works on geography, economy, history and ethnography of North-Western Siberia, as well as ethnographic collections, topographical and cartographic materials, sets of photographs, diaries and letters. The pinnacle of his scientific achievement was a three-volume monograph Tobolsk North (1904–1911), which provided the detailed analysis of occupations of the local population and the economic situation, records on the ethnography of indigenous peoples of Tobolsk North. The monograph's appendix included essays on the history of Surgut, Beryozov, Obdorsk and some villages, folkloric and illustrative materials, etc.
In recognition of the scientific achievements Alexander Dunin-Gorkavich was awarded the N. M. Przhevalsky small and big gold medals of the Russian Geographical Society. In 2000 a street in Khanty-Mansiysk was named after the researcher. A monument to A. A. Dunin-Gorkavich was unveiled in the city on June 15, 2007.
Lit.: Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Сборник трудов (1907-1911): сборник научных трудов. Екатеринбург, 2010; Жизнь и творчество Александра Александровича Дунина-Горкавича, лесовода-краеведа // Вестник культуры. 2003. №27. С. 20; Исследователь Севера Александр Дунин-Горкавич. М., 1995; Огрызко В. В. Дунин-Горкавич А. А. // Отечественные исследователи коренных малочисленных народов Севера и Дальнего Востока: биобиблиографический словарь. М., 2013. С. 214-215; Юнина М. В. Вклад исследователя А. А. Дунина-Горкавича в деятельность Тобольского губернского музея // Тобольск научный 2013. Тобольск, 2013. С. 388-393.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Географическое описание низовьев реки Оби и условия судоходства. СПб., 1909;
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Доклады по вопросам рыболовства в Тобольской губернии. Тобольск, 1910;
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. К учреждению пароходства на Тобольском севере. Тобольск, [1906];
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Каталог экспонатов А. А. Дунин-Горкавича по Тобольскому северу. Тобольск, 1911;
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Нужды Тобольского севера и меры для их удовлетворения. Тобольск, 1908
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Опытное сельскохозяйственное дело на Тобольском Севере. Тобольск, 1911;
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Сведения о самоедах Тобольского севера. Тобольск, 1918;
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Сельское хозяйство на Тобольском севере в 1911 году. Тобольск, 1912;
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Современное состояние сельского хозяйства на Тобольском Севере. Тобольск, 1908;
Дунин-Горкавич А. А. Тобольский север : очерки геогр. и этногр. СПб., 1904;
Based on the materials from the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library