Identifier ae790ebe-5e57-4246-b847-45ced1f0c984 Title Legal department.1918-1919 Dates 1919 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 Cataloguing source GA_RF Extent 33 storage units Creator Provisional Siberian Government.The Ministry of the Interior Fonds The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian government.Omsk File ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 1. Decisions of the Council of Ministers, protocols of the interdepartmental meeting on the establishment as part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Law Revolutionary Department, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 10. Rules for the commissioners for the sale of official alcohol, correspondence with the Ministry of Finance on the development of a bill on the functions of tax inspectors, etc., a list of employees of the legal department ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 11. Report of an official of the forest department on measures to combat unauthorized injections of forests, correspondence with the Ministry of Agriculture on the development of bills on the fight against forest chips, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 12. Correspondence with the Ministry of Supply and Food on the release of the manufactory for employees of the legal department, a list of employees of the legal department, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 13. Decree of the Council of Ministers on the approval of the rules on the service of officials in government institutions and the transfer of one institution from them to another, correspondence with the Main Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs on the production of investigations in the case of employees of Irkutsk ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 14. Correspondence with the Office of Military Divine to clarify the law on mobilization of employees of the institution and the payment of a weekend benefit, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 15. Correspondence with the police department for the issuance of pensions and other monetary rewards to the families of police and special forces, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 16. Correspondence with the Department of General Affairs on the development of a bill on village administrations, the content of the arrested, the proceedings of investigations in the case of members of the former Siberian Regional Duma, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 17. Correspondence with the Omsk city department, about the choice of members of the city orphan court in Semipalatinsk, the assignment of the title of honorary citizens, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 18. Correspondence with the Omsk city department on the initiation of a criminal case against members of the Tomsk City Food Council, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 19. Correspondence with the health care department to clarify the law on free treatment, part -time positions, increase in salary for length of service, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 2. Постановление совета министров об увеличении наказания вплоть до смертной казни, переписка с канцелярией совета министров о разработке законопроектов и др. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 20. Correspondence with a veterinary department on the establishment of pensions to veterinarians and their families, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 21. Typewritten and handwritten text ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 22. Correspondence with the Department of Charity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the development of laws on the issuance of pensions and one -time benefits to military personnel, refugees, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 23. The ratio of the legal department in the native department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the administrative expulsion of Shulgin Feoktista from the limits of the Uryanhai Territory for revolutionary activities ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 24. A statement on the movement of bills on the legal department ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 25. Notification of central institutions on changing the addresses of their institutions ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 26. Correspondence with the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the preparation of estimates of expenses in the legal department for 1919, lists of employees of the legal department ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 27. Monthly demanding statements for the issuance of the maintenance of employees of the legal department ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 28. The demanding statement for the issuance of a lump -sum allowance by employees of the legal department for July 1919. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 29. Journal of outgoing papers of the legal department ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 3. Decree of the Council of Ministers on a change in the Law of the Provisional Government of March 30, 1917 on the maintenance of persons in custody, the draft Regulation on land and forest funds requisitioned by the Provisional Government in 1917, and the draft resolution of the Council M ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 30. The journal of incoming papers of the legal department ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 31. The case of the Trinity Investigative Commission on the merchants Valey Abdulovich Bakirov and Yaushov, accused of involvement in Bolshevism ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 32. Докладная записка [Министерства внутренних дел] об организации суда и судоустройстве в Бурято-Монгольском национальном округе ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 33. Registration of incoming papers [financial department] ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 4. Journal of the meeting of the Council of Ministers on the analysis of law enforcement issued by the headquarters of the Supreme Commander -in -Chief, a report of the director of the police department on the strict selection of employees for central and local institutions, etc. The rules for awarding military ranks and from ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 5. Correspondence with the chancellery of the Supreme Ruler on the staffing of the States of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a list of employees of the legal department, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 6. The draft Regulation on state prosecution of refugees, correspondence with the administrations of the Council of Ministers on the procedure for the appointment of pensions to disabled warriors, on staffing the legal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 7. Correspondence with the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the development of bills for the proceedings of lawsuit, on the maintenance of the arrested, etc. ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 8. Correspondence with the Ministry of Justice on the opening of a notary office in the Motatynogolovskaya village ГА РФ. 1700 / 4 / 9. Correspondence with the military ministry on relations between investigative commissions and military control, police supervision of foreigners, etc. Display format Archival description RUSMARC