The History of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski Islands, with the Countries Adjacent

The history of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands with adjacent countries.Illustrated with cards and engravings.Published in St. Petersburg in Russian on the orders of its imperial majesty and translated into English by James Man, Dr. MedicineKrašeninnikov, stpan petrovič (1713-1755).The History of Kamtschatka, and the Kurilski Islands, with the Countries Adjacent: Illustrated with Maps and Cuts / [by Mr.Krashininicoff];Published at Petersbourg in the Russian Language, By Order of Her Imperial Majesty and Translate Into English James Grieveve, MD - PRINTEDED BY R. RAKEAS FOR T. Jefferys, Geographer to her Majesty, London, 1764. -[8],280, [8] p., [7] l.Ill., cards.;4 ° (26.0x21.0x3.0 cm).-A copy of the presidential library in binding of varnished veal leather with gold embossing on the spine and binding covers.A spine with leather stickers (2) and bandages (5).Pagination error: p.271 is erroneously numbered as 171. - from the bottom of the outpatient leaf: the stamp of the book -turning company "Bound by Bayntun -Riviere. Bath. England", for 1 liter.Maps: stamp/stamp of the library of the State Department of the United States of America, on the back of the title sheet: stamp/stamp "Presidential Library" and technical stamp.On the title sheet: recording "US Department of state. 19 July 1826" walnut ink.The work of S.P. Krasheninnikov "Description of the land of Kamchatka"-the result of his travels in Kamchatka during 1737-1741.- belongs to the number of classical works of geographical literature.It was first printed in 1755, and already in 1764 it was published in English.I. Grieve, Jam.1.Book monuments of the presidential library (collection).2. VTB (collection).3. Territory (collection).4. Kamchatka, peninsula (northeast of the Asian part of the Russian Federation)-description and travel of Russians-18 V .. 5. Kuril Islands (Pacific Ocean)-description and travel-18 V ..BBK 63.3 (255) 51BBK 26.89 (255)Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: PB
Publisher Printed by R. Raike's for T. Jefferys, Geographer to his Majesty, London
Catalogue object