On approval of the list of documents, in the presence of which a decision is made on the recognition of the federal law dated No...

On approval of the list of documents, in the presence of which a decision is made on the recognition of the federal law dated November 4, 2014 No. 347-ФЗ "On Amendments to Part of the First and Second of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation" of the arrears of penalties and fines of hopeless to partrecovery and on their write -off, and the procedure for writing off the indicated arrears and debts " : Order of the Federal Tax Service dated 12.05.2015 No. MMV -7-8/190@. -Electronic text data (7 files). -(Moscow: Glavnivts UDP RF,2018). -Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Order of the Federal Tax Service dated 12.05.2015 No. MMV-7-8/190@ "On approval of the list of documents, if there are a decision on the recognition of the Federal Law of November 4, 2014 No. 347-ФЗ" OnAmendments to the first and second and second tax code of the Russian Federation "arrears, debt on penalties and fines are hopeless to recover and on their write -off, and the procedure for writing off these arrears and debt.".Electronic copy source: PB

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