Journal of the Ministry of Railways.1897. Prince.8

Journal of the Ministry of Railways.-St. Petersburg: B. and., 1826-1917.-I also went out under the head.: Journal of the Main Directorate of Railways and Public Buildings..I. Russia.The Main Directorate of Transa and Public Buildings.II.Russia.The Ministry of Railways.Electronic copy source: PB1897. Prince.8. - Type.M-va of the routes (high, approved by I.N. Kushnerev and Co.), 1897. -190 p., 2 l.table.: il., table .. -Part of the text is for the last.foreign.ulcer.Contents: Essay on the management of railways in France / F.A.Galician.The dependence of future wars on the improvement of military messages.I. Operation of the network in peacetime / A.A.F.-Wendrich.The destructive effect of earthquakes and the struggle with it / I.V.Muskets.On ways to predict the heights of river levels in the interests of shipping / D.D.Gnusin.International Congress in Stockholm on the test of materials on August 11-13, 1897 / N.A.Bellyubsky, [et al.].- the text and subscription.Note..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS
Publisher Тип. М-ва путей сообщения (высоч. утв. т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К°)

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