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Letters from Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, daughter, to AA. Ilovayskaya with household reports on the house in Moscow and the Spassky estate of Zvenigorodsky district of the Moscow province; about their studies, pastime, with information about relatives and acquaintances (Adler, Bartsal, Weidenbaum, EI Givartovskaya, Gorhover, Dolnikov, Zhekhovskiy, Kavraisky, Obolensky, Remezov, Fulda, Tsvetaeva) are mentioned; about the illness and death of his grandfather, А.П. Kavraysky, and the organization of the funeral (February 9, 1902) in the Skorybashchensky Monastery; about trips to rest in the estate Remezovka Sapozhkovskiy district of the Ryazan province to E.V. and M.P. Remezov and in Alushta Yalta district of the Tauride province to Poltoratsky; about his marriage (1913) and the move to Surazh of the Chernigov province with his husband, S.N. Isaev, the justice of the peace; about emigration to Serbia (not earlier than 1918) and residence in Zemun (Orachka); about the state of health; with gratitude for the gifts sent and the numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin"; congratulatory |