Letters from Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, daughter, to AA. Ilovayskaya with household reports on the house in Moscow and the Spa...

Title Letters from Olga Dmitrievna Ilovaiskaya, daughter, to AA. Ilovayskaya with household reports on the house in Moscow and the Spassky estate of Zvenigorodsky district of the Moscow province; about their studies, pastime, with information about relatives and acquaintances (Adler, Bartsal, Weidenbaum, EI Givartovskaya, Gorhover, Dolnikov, Zhekhovskiy, Kavraisky, Obolensky, Remezov, Fulda, Tsvetaeva) are mentioned; about the illness and death of his grandfather, А.П. Kavraysky, and the organization of the funeral (February 9, 1902) in the Skorybashchensky Monastery; about trips to rest in the estate Remezovka Sapozhkovskiy district of the Ryazan province to E.V. and M.P. Remezov and in Alushta Yalta district of the Tauride province to Poltoratsky; about his marriage (1913) and the move to Surazh of the Chernigov province with his husband, S.N. Isaev, the justice of the peace; about emigration to Serbia (not earlier than 1918) and residence in Zemun (Orachka); about the state of health; with gratitude for the gifts sent and the numbers of the newspaper "Kremlin"; congratulatory
Series Опись архива Дмитрия Ивановича Иловайского
Fonds Ilovaisky Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920), professor of history at Moscow University, editor-publisher of the newspaper "Kremlin"
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