The history of the Polish uprising and war of 1830 and 1831.T. 1.

Smith, Fedor Ivanovich (1787-1865).The history of the Polish uprising and war of 1830 and 1831 / [Op.] F. Smith;Per.with it.Guard headquarters-cap.Quitnitsky.[T.1-3].- St. Petersburg: Type.V. Spiridonova and K °, 1863-1864.-3 t .;25. -.I. Kvitnitsky, Vladimir Ksenofontovich.II.Smith, Friedrich (1787-1865).Electronic Source: PBT. 1. - 1863. -xiv, 497 p., 9 liters.Tab., Cards .. - a substrateNote .. - Ex.: no oblast.1. Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGO
Publisher тип. В. Спиридонова и К°

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