Problems of national journalism were discussed at the Presidential Library
April 19, 2018 the Presidential Library hosted a forum "Society. Culture. Media: Problems and Prospects of Interaction". The event is organized by the Public Chamber of Saint-Petersburg and the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
For one day, the Presidential Library has become a platform for an open dialogue and exchange of experience between experts in the field of culture and representatives of the professional community of journalists. In addition to the plenary session, the program of the forum included 10 thematic round tables.
The round table "Mass Media as a Part of Culture" united leading journalists of regional and federal mass media, their leaders, scientists, artists and directors of theaters, the publishing business community. The moderator of the discussion was Nika Strizhak, TV presenter, documentary.
The vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Alexander Govorunov, stressed that it was "in our city that Russian journalism was born, and this is much obliging. Here Pushkin and Nekrasov started their activity as publicists and publishers, on the pages of “Sovremennik” they were asked not by idle public questions".
"There is such a thing as St. Petersburg self-identity, it's not by chance that our city is called the cultural capital of Russia. The program supporting this status should be developed and adopted, and the interests of culture and its immutable part - the media, should be linked in it", - believes rector of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts Alexander Turgayev.
Many of the speakers at the round table "Media as Part of Culture" said that today the advantage of journalism is a high degree of information richness of the text, quick response, and this is good for our time - the era of the diversity of information channels and their growing competition. However, taking into account the traditions of the Russian press, an increasingly noticeable shortage of analytical, bold, highly civilized journalism attracts attention.
Marina Dmitrevskaya, theater critic, editor of the prestigious publication of “Petersburg Theater Magazine”, professor of the Russian State Institute of Stage Arts (Theater Institute on Mokhovaya) was thinking about such an urgent problem as "life for husky", an unproductive pastime in the network. "Today, according to surveys, people watch television from 48 years old, young people prefer gadgets to books, performances and informative TV programs", - Dmitrevskaya noted. She also raised such an important issue as supporting the "high-quality press" by the state.
Many of the speakers agreed that the role of journalism as part of culture was great. Today it is a powerful ideological force that influences the evolution of views, on the growth of the economy, on the unity of society. All civil and state institutions of society should be interested in its development.