Abstracts of theses
Abstracts of theses
Creativity of Vladimir Mayakovsky in literature and criticism of Sweden
Abramova, Oksana Gennadievna (teacher, Swedish language). Creativity of Vladimir Mayakovsky in literature and criticism of Sweden. Voronezh, 2013.
Transformation of folklore tradition in Russian poetry of the beginning of the XX century (SA Esenin and VV Mayakovsky)
Galieva, Marianna Andreevna (Candidate of Philology). Transformation of folklore tradition in Russian poetry of the beginning of the XX century (SA Yesenin and VV Mayakovsky). Moscow, 2016.
Intonational and kinetic means of transmitting emotional information and their verbal correlates
Demchenko, Yuri Olegovich (Candidate of Philology). Intonational and kinetic means of transmission of emotional information and their verbal correlates. Moscow, 2010.
Comparison in poetic idiostyle
Dreisavi Hussein Kadim Majdi (Candidate of Philology). Comparison in poetic idiostyle. Voronezh, 2014.
Textualization of corporeality in post-revolutionary poems by VV Mayakovsky
Komarov, Konstantin Markovich (candidate of philological sciences, 1988-). Textualization of corporeality in post-revolutionary poems by VV Mayakovsky. Yekaterinburg, 2014.
Agitational and advertising functionalization post-October creativity VV Mayakovsky in the light of his zhiznetvorchestva and zhiznostroeniya
Matrosova, Elena Sergeevna (candidate of philological sciences). Agitational and advertising functionalization post-October creativity VV Mayakovsky in the light of his zhiznetvorchestva and zhiznostroeniya. Ivanovo, 2014.
Space and time in the artistic world of VV Mayakovsky
Yurasova, Nadezhda Gennadievna (candidate of philological sciences). Space and time in the artistic world of VV Mayakovsky. Nizhny Novgorod, 2008.