A new virtual tour of the Presidential Library introduces activities of the first body of state security of Soviet Russia
A virtual tour around the exhibition "The Saving Sword of the Revolution": Chekist in Life, Cinema and Literature" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation and Sabotage, is available on the Presidential Library portal. Thanks to the new multimedia product, everyone can see the exposition, which is opened in the building on Senate Square from December 18, 2017 to February 25, 2018.
The virtual tour completely reflects the real exhibition. Today, being anywhere in the world, one can visit one of the exhibition halls of the Presidential Library and study the history of the creation and activities of the first Soviet body of state security, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation and Sabotage.
The protocols of the commission meetings, information reports of the Secret Department, reports, photographs, instructions, propaganda posters and many other archive materials describe the work of the Cheka. This allows us to see a broad picture of the political, economic, military life of the country, and the problems that the Chekists had to face with. Part of the exposition is dedicated to one of the founders of the Cheka and its leader Felix Dzerzhinsky: photographs, documents, publications and other interesting materials tell about him.
The activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution, Speculation and Sabotage for many years have become one of the main themes in literature and cinema, which was also reflected in the exhibition of the Presidential Library. Through literary works, book graphics, photographs you can see how the image of a real Chekist was formed on the screen and pages of books, learn more about the everyday life of the Cheka, as often the stories were based on real events.
The exhibition "The Saving Sword of the Revolution": Chekist in Life, Cinema and Literature" became the second exposition that moved from real space to digital. The first virtual tour was created on the basis of an exhibition dedicated to the history of the region - "Northwest Russia: two areas - one story. To the 90th anniversary of the Leningrad Region and the 80th anniversary of the Vologda Region".
Virtual tours - one of the actively developing areas of the Presidential Library. Today visitors of the portal can remotely make a tour around the historic building of the Synod, where today a modern multifunctional cultural, educational and research center is located, learn about the rich history of the building, learn about its architectural and interior decoration, the course of construction and restoration, the events of the institution. In addition, it is possible to visit the Constitution Hall, where documents are presented devoted to the basic state law, to get familiar with new materials of the constantly replenishing interactive exposition telling about the revolutionary events in Petrograd. This electronic resource, thanks to the possibilities of the format of the interactive calendar, allows you "looking" on many days of a turning-point for the country in 1917, and in the format of infovideoography, full information about its key events is presented here.