Employees of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic held a lesson for children on the Day of the National Flag of Russia
August 22, 2018, on the Day of the National Flag of the Russian Federation, in the Hall of State Symbols of the National Library of the Chuvash Republic for preschoolers the hour of heraldry "Flag of Russia is our Pride" was held.
An entertaining story about a patriotic holiday and the history of the emergence of the Russian flag was accompanied by a multimedia presentation that helps children understand the state symbols better.
On the website of the Presidential Library, the Chuvash Republic is represented by the collection "Chuvash Republic: Pages of History". The selection includes research, official and archive documents, visual materials reflecting the socio-economic, political and cultural aspects of the history of the Chuvash Republic. The current Constitution of the Chuvash Republic is also presented.