The round table "The Nuremberg Process: Traces of History" was held in the Crimean Regional Center of the Presidential Library
November 20, 2018 in the regional center of the Presidential Library, running on the basis of the Franco Crimean Republican Universal Research Library, with the assistance of the Frontier Directorate of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea, a round table meeting entitled “The Nuremberg Process: Traces of History” was held.
The event was attended by historian Vladislav Pashchenya, specialists of the Border Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Republic of Crimea, the Main Directorate of the Federal Service of National Guard troops in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, high school students of Simferopol, librarians and readers.
At the round table, the world's most famous trial of the former leaders of Nazi Germany, the experience of resisting aggression and terror during the Second World War was discussed.
In a welcoming speech, the head of the digital resources department Irina Nizhnik stressed the importance of understanding the role of the Nuremberg Process, and also focused on the need to preserve and update the historical memory of the crimes of fascism.
The aspect of the events of 1945–1946 was revealed by the Candidate of Historical Sciences Vladislav Pashchenya, analyzing the course and results of the people's trial over Nazi criminals.
At the end of the round table meeting, the participants discussed the most topical issues and drew a parallel between the historical events of Nuremberg 1945-1946 and the realities of modern society.
The informational supplement was a slide-excursion “The trial in persons”, the historical-documentary exposition “The Nuremberg Trials: A Crime against Humanity”, a slide review “Materials on the Nuremberg Trials from the Electronic Fund of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library”.
On the website of the Presidential Library, Region is represented by the collection “Republic of Crimea: Pages of History”. The selection is devoted to a unique historical and cultural reserve and includes studies, essays, archival documents, photographs and other materials introducing the administrative, socio-economic, socio-political and cultural development of the peninsula from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century.
Based on materials of http://franco.crimealib.ru/.