Industry, trades and crafts. Activities of some enterprises
Industry, trades and crafts. Activities of some enterprises
- Arms production. Tula Arms Plant
Description of the Tula Arms Plant in historical and technical terms
Hamel, Joseph Khristianovich (1788-1861). Description of the Tula Arms Plant in historical and technical terms. Moscow: To type. August Seeds, 1826.History of the Tula Emperor Peter the Great of the Arms Factory. T. 1. 1595, 1712-1834.
Zybin, Sergei Alexandrovich (1862-). History of the Tula Emperor Peter the Great of the Arms Factory. 1595, 1712-1834. Moscow: Typo-lit. t / d. IN Gryzunova and Co., 1912-. 1912.The case of the release of the amount of cooking at the Tula Arms Plant infantry rifles and cavalry pistols
Department of State Economy of the State Council.
The case is about the release of the amount for cooking at the Tula Arms Plant infantry rifles and cavalry pistols.Baron A.I. Delvig "My Memories. 1813-1876"
Golovnin Alexander Vasilyevich (1821-1886), Minister of Public Education, member of the State Council.
Baron A.I. Delvig "My Memories. 1813-1876".Correspondence with the Main Artillery Directorate, Tula Arms Plant and other institutions and organizations on the supply of metal to factories, the work of factories and other issues
Correspondence with the Main Artillery Directorate, the Tula Arms Plant and other institutions and organizations about supplying the plants with metal, the work of the plants and other issues.Tula arms of the Romanov era
Tula arms of the Romanov era. St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2013 - Other industries
Works of local committees on the needs of the agricultural industry. Xliii. Tula Province
Works of local committees on the needs of the agricultural industry. Xliii. Tula province. St. Petersburg, 1903.... Report of the Board of the Joint Stock Company of Tula Iron Smelting Plants .... Third ... for 1915
Tula iron smelting plants. ... Report of the Board of the Joint-Stock Company of Tula Iron Smelters ... Petrograd, 1916.
Third ... for 1915.1916.The development of the chemical industry in the Tula region
Sokolov, Pavel Anatolyevich (candidate of historical sciences). The development of the chemical industry in the Tula region. Moscow, 2009.
Об участии Андрея Ивановича Дельвига в перестройке Тульского оружейного завода в 1836-1837 гг. (сканы 491-502)