Life and work
Life and work
Correspondence of the Commission with the State Treasury, the Heraldry Office, the Expedition for the Audit of Accounts and other institutions about the expenses of the Commission;on the delivery to the Commission of the documents and information it needs;on the determination of officials to the Commission and on other issues
Commission for drafting laws.Correspondence of the Commission with the State Treasury, the Heraldry Office, the Expedition for the Audit of Accounts and other institutions about the expenses of the Commission;on the delivery to the Commission of the documents and information it needs;on the determination of officials to the Commission and on other issues.1798-1801.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire, since 1649. 23. From 1789 to 6 November 1796
Russia. Laws and regulations. Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire, since 1649. St. Petersburg: In the printing house of the Second Branch of His Own Imperial Majesty's Chancery, 1830-1851.
T. 23: From 1789 to 6 November 1796.
T. 23: From 1789 to 6 November 1796.
Именной указ № 16 901 «О наказании Коллежского Советника Радищева за издание книги, наполненной вредными умствованиями, оскорбительными и неистовыми выражениями против сана и власти Царской». С. 168 (скан 170)
Copies of the Senate rulings, instructions of the Chairman of the Commission, petition addressed to Paul I and the Chairman of the Commission for drafting laws on the determination and dismissal from service, with the attachment, in some cases, of certificates and other personal documents
Commission for drafting laws.Copies of the Senate rulings, instructions of the Chairman of the Commission, petition addressed to Paul I and the Chairman of the Commission for drafting laws on the determination and dismissal from service, with the attachment, in some cases, of certificates and other personal documents.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Переписка по прошению А. Н. Радищева об определении его на службу в Комиссию (сканы 15-17)
Opinions of the members of the Commission, including A. N. Radishchev, on cases sent from the Senate to the Commission for discussion
Commission for drafting laws.Opinions of the members of the Commission, including A. N. Radishchev, on cases sent from the Senate to the Commission for discussion.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив"
Мнение А. Н. Радищева (сканы 7-9, 11)
Studies and articles on Russian literature and enlightenment. T. 1. [Materials for the history of education in Russia during the reign of Emperor Alexander I. A. N. Radishchev]
Sukhomlinov, Mikhail Ivanovich (1828-1901). Studies and articles on Russian literature and enlightenment. S.-Petersburg: publication of AS Suvorin, 1889.
T. 1: [Materials for the history of education in Russia during the reign of Emperor Alexander I; A.N. Radishchev].
T. 1: [Materials for the history of education in Russia during the reign of Emperor Alexander I; A.N. Radishchev].
А. Н. Радищев. С. 539-671 (сканы 553-685)
Herald of Europe. G. 30 1895, vol. 4, [bk. 7/8, July / August]
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 30 1895, vol. 4, [bk. 7/8, July / August]. 1895.
G. 30 1895, vol. 4, [bk. 7/8, July / August]. 1895.
Пыпин А. Н. Времена Екатерины II : III. Новое движение, выразившееся в масонстве. Его различные формы. Новиков и Шварц. Князь Щербатов и Радищев. С 262-313 (сканы 264-315)
Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive. The Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich Foundation (1877-1931). Materials about A.N. Radischev: bibliographic notes of P.E. Schegoleva, extracts and copies of archival documents of the late XVIII century - the beginning of the XX century and other
Shchegolev Pavel Eliseevich (1875 - 1931 gg.), Historian, editor of the magazine "The Past", the administrator of the Petrograd Historical and Revolutionary Archive.
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). Materials about A.N. Radischev: bibliographic notes of P.E. Schegoleva, extracts and copies of archival documents of the late XVIII century - early XX century, and more. [19 ..].
Shchegolev, Pavel Eliseevich (1877-1931). Materials about A.N. Radischev: bibliographic notes of P.E. Schegoleva, extracts and copies of archival documents of the late XVIII century - early XX century, and more. [19 ..].
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Содерж. также биографию А. Н. Радищева (сканы 7-175)
The main figures of the liberation of the peasants
The main figures of the liberation of the peasants.
St. Petersburg: Type. JSC "Brockhaus-Efron", [cz. 1903].
St. Petersburg: Type. JSC "Brockhaus-Efron", [cz. 1903].
Омская ГОНБ
Якушкина В. Е. Александр Николаевич Радищев. С. 34-38 (сканы 52-58)
At the dawn of the Russian public
Myakotin, Venedikt Aleksandrovich (1867-1937). At the dawn of the Russian public. Rostov on Don: "Don speech" Paramonova, 1904.
Herald of Europe. G. 39 1904, [Vol. 1], book. 2, February
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 39 1904, [Vol. 1], book. 2, February. 1904.
G. 39 1904, [Vol. 1], book. 2, February. 1904.
Туманов М. А. Н. Радищев. С. 112-123 (сканы 118-129)
О вручении А. Н. Радищеву ордена Св. Владимира 4-й степени, которым он был награжден в 1784 г. (скан 223)