A unique book on judo to enter the Presidential Library’s collections
The Presidential Library will receive a new book “Judo for the Whole Life! Half a Century of Victories” at 12:00 December 12, 2019 on the Senate Square, 3. This is a documented publication about the history of the “Judo Club Turbostroitel”.
For the first time since its release, the publication will be publicly available.
The review is based on notebooks of the club’s long-term leader, coach Anatoly Rakhlin (1938–2013), containing detailed records of significant events in club’s life.
Since 1996, Mikhail Rakhlin, the son of a famous coach who co-authored and published a book, participated in the creation of the club chronicle. The book contains five chapters, which spotlight the features of each decade the club has gone through. The appendices to the chapters contain lists of pupils and prize-winners of competitions, summary results of tournaments, a summary table of the results of performances of pupils and their rating by the number of occupied first places.
The final chapter summarizes the achievements of the club for half a century. Over the years, Anatoly Rakhlin has trained more than a hundred masters of sports. Among his pupils there are people who have gained fame not only in sports, but also in science, business, and politics. The most famous pupil of the club is Vladimir Putin, during the period of active sambo and judo classes, he won 26 medals, including 13 gold ones. Based on the available information, the book shows how in the "Judo Club Turbostroitel" young men and girls formed a unique system of education of the best human and sports qualities, which allowed bringing hundreds of sambo wrestlers and judokas to the world level.
A documentary biography of Sergei Dashkevich, one of the founders of domestic judo and sambo, the first trainer Anatoly Rakhlin, is published in the book for the first time.
The publication contains unique documents and photographs from the archives of the Rakhlin family and the club's pupils.
The Presidential Library has been actively cooperating with the St. Petersburg regional public organization “Judo Club Turbostroitel” since 2018. A cooperation agreement was signed in September. Club president Mikhail Rakhlin donated the book “Anatoly Rakhlin. Coach" to the library’s collections.
In October 2018, the video lecture “A Man in History: Anatoly Rakhlin's Way” was held at the Presidential Library and the multimedia exhibition “Sport as a School of Life” dedicated to the famous coach was opened.
Transfer of the book “Judo for the Whole Life! Half a Century of Victories” by Mikhail Rakhlin to the Presidential Library’s collections will be another landmark event in the framework of the cooperation of the library and the“ Judo Club Turbostroitel”.
Accreditation for media representatives is until 12:00 December 11, 2019.
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