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Pyrkov, Ivan Vladimirovich (Ph.D.).Rhythm, space and time in Russian literature of the XIX century manor (IA Goncharov, Turgenev, Chekhov): dissertation thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philology: Specialty 10.01.01 / Pyrkov Ivan Vladimirovich;[Saratov State Academy of Law].- Saratov: [b.and.], 2018. -49 p.;21 cm .. -protection Place: National Research Saratov State University named after NGChernyshevsky.- List of works with authors .:.44-48 (46 references.).- footnotes.Note..-120 copies..I. Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University.JH Ulyanova.1.People (collection).2. Russia in the people of (the collection).3. Anton Chekhov (collection).4. ISTurgenev (collection).5. Russian language (the collection).6. Russian literature - 19th century.- Abstracts of dissertations.7. The space - in Russian literature - Abstracts of dissertations.8. Time - Russian literature - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-44ya031ya031electronic copy Source: DGS.Website
Publisher | [б. и.] |
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