Notes on the history of naval warfare

Novikov NVNotes on the history of naval warfare / Captain 1st Rank Associate Professor NVNovikov;Voen.-mor.Acad.Navy them.Voroshilov.Chair voen.-mor.stories.- [B.m]. Type.Voen.-mor.Acad.Navy them.Voroshilov, 1943. -63 p.: Table .. -.: The beginning of the steam fleet.The development of the wheel and screw ship in the first half of the XIX century.Eastern War of 1853-1855.Start armored shipbuilding and its development on the experience of the civil war in the North.America 1861-1865 years .. - the text and footnotes.Note .. - Copy .: a Manuscript.litter..I. Naval Academy.Voroshilov (Leningrad).Department of Naval istorii.1.Power (collection).2. The area (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: BMA
Publisher Тип. Воен.-мор. акад. ВМФ им. Ворошилова