Pupil from Tomsk is a prize-winner of "Russia in the Electronic World" Presidential Library’s Olympiad

17 April 2020

Pupil of I. S. Chernykh Secondary School № 4 of Tomsk Valeria Dmitrova was among 350 finalists of the interactive Olympiad of the Presidential Library "Russia in the Electronic World". Senior pupil has become the first representative of her city for the entire duration of the project, which launched in 2010.

The Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren “Russia in the Electronic World” is a large-scale educational project implemented by the Presidential Library. Every year, students of grades 10–11 of all regions of our country and several foreign countries test their knowledge of history, social studies and the Russian language. Winners and prize-awardees receive benefits for admission to universities - partners of the Presidential Library, a list of which is published on the website of the Olympiad. Also, the best participants are awarded memorable prizes and gifts.

In 2019, in the year of the tenth anniversary Olympiad, the fourth discipline “Russian as a Foreign Language” was introduced, designed for foreign citizens over 14 years of age who are studying Russian.

Detailed information on participation in the interactive school Olympiad “Russia in the Electronic World” on history, social science and the Russian language, as well as on the subject “Russian as a Foreign Language” is available at http://olympiada.prlib.ru/.

One can learn more about Tomsk Region on the Presidential Library’s portal thanks to a separate electronic collection. It includes essays, statistical and cartographic materials and archival documents of the late XIX - early XX centuries, highlighting the demographic, geographical, socio-economic, socio-political and other aspects of the history of the region.