Marking the 75th Anniversary of the Great Victory: Russian State Library to reconstruct the war-time reading hall
The Russian State Library is developing three new projects marking the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. One is a reconstruction of a fragment of the war-time reading hall.
"The Great Patriotic War Library" project will feature the atmosphere of wartime in the reading room. To arrange the new exposition, the Russian State Library and the Victory Museum have already digitized more than 500 documents - leaflets, books, brochures, posters, and other materials.
The "Biblionight 2020. The Memory of our Victory" campaign will be held as the All-Russian online marathon. It will be launched by famous theater and cinema artists, writers, librarians on April 25.
"75 Words of Victory" marathon will feature online users with the fragments of war books and letters. The campaign will run until May 9.
The "Winners' Spring" project created along with the Russian Military-Historical Society, provides access to the complete set of the "Frontovaya Illustratsiya" newspaper ("Frontline Illustration"), publications from newspapers of the USSR and other countries from the collections of the Russian State Library.
Detailed information about the projects is available on the official website of the Russian State Library.