The President of Russia: Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Awarding 2019 Russian Federation National Awards in Literature and the Arts

18 June 2020

Vladimir Putin signed Executive Order On Awarding 2019 Russian Federation National Awards in Literature and the Arts.

The Order features that the President took into consideration the proposals of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art, and decided to award 2019 Russian Federation National Awards in Literature and the Arts and confer the honorary title of the laureate of the Russian Federation National Awards in Literature and the Arts on:

-Alexander Yermakov for establishing the Ivanovka Sergei Rachmaninoff Museum-Estate and educational activities;

-Valentin Kurbatov for contributing to the preservation and development of the Russian literary tradition;

-Galina Medvedeva for contributing to the preservation, study and development of the traditional verbal culture of Russian old-time inhabitants of Baikal, Siberia.