Society and Culture: Exhibition "Step out of the Shade. Women in the History of Russian Art of the XVIII-XX Centuries" of the State Russian Museum presented in Kursk
Alexander Deineka Kursk State Art Gallery opened the exhibition "Step out of the Shade. Women in the History of Russian Art of the XVIII-XX Centuries". The extensive exposition presents 67 works from the collection of the State Russian Museum, including paintings by Alexei Antropov, Vladimir Borovikovsky, Alexey Venetsianov, Konstantin Makovsky, Nikolai Yaroshenko, Boris Kustodiev, Alexander Shevchenko and other famous masters of Russian art.
The exhibition features the perception of the woman's image, place and role in Russian culture in the art of various artists of different epochs and schools over the past three centuries. The exposition showcases all women's hypostases captured in ceremonial portraits and intimate images. They represent a woman as a source of inspiration, a centre of attention, a leader, a mother and a housewife. Particular attention is paid to the section "Woman as a Creator", which contains the works of famous women-artists Maria Bashkirtseva, Zinaida Serebryakova, Natalia Goncharova, Anna Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Alexandra Schekatikhina-Potockaya and others.
A separate section provides applied art items - original masterpieces (porcelain and tableware) of the 1920s – 1930s and the post-war years.
The exhibition will run until November 8.