Education and Society: St. Petersburg State University launched Olympiad for school students
From October 15, 2020, to January 11, 2021, St. Petersburg State University calls for registration in the qualifying stage of the Olympiad for school students (olympiada.spbu.ru). This unique educational project aims at developing creativity and interest in research activities, distributing and popularizing scientific knowledge among school students, supporting the most skilful and talented students in getting high-quality professional education.
The St. Petersburg State University's Olympiad for school students in the 2020/21 academic year includes 19 subjects: biology, geography, journalism, engineering systems, foreign languages, computer science, history, Chinese language, mathematics, medicine, social studies, law, modern manager, sociology, physics, philology, chemistry, economics and technobusiness.
The Olympiad has two rounds. The first qualifying stage for each subject takes place online from October 15, 2020, to January 11, 2021, in the private account of the Olympiad.
The Olympiad presents a "technobusiness" subject for the first time. Its participants should have knowledge and competencies in the field of biology, chemistry, mathematics, computer and social sciences. The qualifying stage of this Olympiad will take place from January 21 to February 28, 2021. The final round will run in May 2021.
The number of subjects for participation is not limited. But the applicant has only one chance to participate in each subject. Tasks are available in the private account after registration. They should be performed within a limited time, which depends on the subject.
The winners of the qualifying stage will become the participants of the final round, which will run from February 1 to March 14, 2021.
Participants with best results receive privileges to enter Russian universities: enrollment without exams or 100 points in a special subject (confirmed by the Olympiad diploma at the Unified State Exam in the relevant subject).
The participation in the Annual Interactive Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World" of the Presidential Library also provides advantages to enter Russian universities. In particular, St. Petersburg State University will account the results of participation in the Olympiad as an individual achievement.
The high school and college students from Russia and abroad, who want to participate in the Olympiad "Russia in the Electronic World", should register on the website of the interactive educational project and test their knowledge of the Russian language, history and social studies. High school students will complete tasks of three rounds of the Olympiad until March 2021. Two qualifying stages will be held remotely. The first round will last until November 30, 2020, inclusive.
Foreign schoolchildren over 14 years old and students are invited to take part in the "Russian as a Foreign Language" Olympiad. It includes two obligatory rounds. The first qualifying non-resident stage is held using the remote testing system and will run until January 22, 2021, inclusive. More information about the "Russian as a Foreign Language" Olympiad is available at http://olympiada.prlib.ru/rusforeign.