Telegrams and warrants
Telegrams from Abdulino - Ashuluk about the political situation in Astrakhan, supplying food, investigating court cases and intelligence and operational reports of the Caspian-Caucasian Front;Welcoming telegrams V. I. Lenin and Sovnarkom and others.Telegram T. Kirov from Astrakhan dated March 9, 1919 on the merger of the Astrakhan provincial emergency commission and front-line special department (sheet 73a).The telegram of the military commissar of the Turgay province from Aktyubinsk on March 28, 1919 on recognition in the Soviet authority in Turgas supporters of Alash Horde (Leaf 83)
Operational, intelligence and political reports and telegrams of the RVSR and the headquarters of the eastern, Northern, Caspian-Caucasian and other fronts about hostilities, the political situation in Georgia and the Kuban, the state of supplying armies, the exchange of prisoners with the British in the north and others.Telegrams t. Stalin about the capture of Pskov, take action to the speedy unloading of Bryansk and others (sheets of 410, 411, 414).Telegrams t. Kirov (sheets 7, 13, 18).Telegrams t. Frunze (sheets 15-26).Telegrams t. Kuibyshev (Sheet 14).Telegram T. Ordzhonikidze (sheet 415)
Telegrams by Sergei Kirov, the Chairman of the Interim Military Revolutionary Committee of Astrakhan Territory, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the 11th Army, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Group of Forces of the Red Army. 1919 (scans 19, 31–32, 41)
Operational, intelligence and political reports of the headquarters of the Caspian-Caucasian, Northern and other fronts and telegrams of the RVSR (Revoensive) armies on hostilities, appointments and dismissals, supplying ammunition and food and the exchange of prisoners.Telegrams of Comrade Kirov V. I. Lenin from Astrakhan about the accession of the Soviet Army in Krasnovodsk, position in the Caucasus and on other issues (sheets 256, 257, 261, 263-265, 271)
Telegrams by Sergei Kirov, the Chairman of the Interim Military Revolutionary Committee of Astrakhan Territory, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the 11th Army, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Group of Forces of the Red Army. 1919 (scans 518-521, 528, 532-537, 548)
Mandates, powers and destination.Powed S. M. Kirov (Leaf 40, Copy)
The authority to conduct peace negotiations with the Polish Republic, issued by the Council of People's Commissars to Sergei Kirov. September 8, 1920 (scan 93)
Telegram by Sergei Kirov, the Chairman of the Interim Military Revolutionary Committee of Astrakhan Territory, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the 11th Army, a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Southern Group of Forces of the Red Army. March 9, 1919. (scans 155-157)