Reports of the Secretaries of Statistical Committees as a historical source in studying the activities of regional statistical a...

Skop, Vitaly Alexandrovich (1979-).Reports of the Secretaries of Statistical Committees as a historical source in studying the activities of regional statistical accounting centers (based on the materials of Western Siberia and the steppe edge of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries) / V. A. Skop.- -.-Bibliography: s.505.// World of Science, Culture, Education: International Scientific Journal / Gorno-Altai State University, [and others] Gorno-Altaisk, 2007-.- 2014, No. 6 (49).- 2014. - P. 503-505.1. History of statistics of the Altai (mountain) district (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Statistics - History - Siberia.4. Statistics - History - Kazakhstan, Republic.BBK 60.6gE-copy source: Altai kunbOriginal Storage Place: Altai Kunb
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