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Vavilova, Victoria Yuryevna (Candidate of Philosophy).Religious and philosophical teaching F. M. Dostoevsky: Anthropological aspect: the dissertation author's abstract on the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences: specialty 09.00.13 / Vavina Victoria Yuryevna;[Kuban State University].- Rostov-on-Don, 2017. -30 s.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: South.Feder.un-t.- List of work Avt.: With.28-30 (16 Names).- on manuscript rights..1. Dostoevsky, Fedor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881) - Philosophical views - dissertation abstracts.2. People (collection).3. Russia in faces (collection).4. Russian language (collection).5. F. M. Dostoevsky (Collection).6. Philosophical anthropology, cultural philosophy.BBK 87.3 (2) 522-608Y031BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8Dostoevsky F.M., 3Y031Source of an electronic copy: southman.Site
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