Libraries and Society: III International Bibliographic Congress to hold online

27 April 2021

The III International Bibliographic Congress will be held on April 27 - 29, 2021. For the first time, it will be online.

The Congress will be based on the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk). It will be the third international bibliographic congress. The National Library of Russia hosted the first conference in 2010, the second took place in 2015 at the Russian State Library.

Working languages of the Congress: Russian and English.

Themes of the Congress:

●       Transforming bibliography in the digital age. The role of bibliographic information in the changing system of scientific communication. Strategy for the development of bibliographic activities at the international level. Problems of mutual use of resources.

●       Coordination and cooperation of bibliographic activities at the international and national levels.

●       Creation, distribution and promotion of bibliographic information. Forms and formats of presentation of bibliographic data on the Web and electronic information systems.

●       Development and implementation of new international and domestic standards for bibliographic description.

●       Bibliography of electronic resources of local and remote access. Modern resources of the national bibliography. Improvement of legal deposit legislation (electronic legal deposit).

●       Corporate cataloguing as a form of bibliographic interaction between libraries.

●       Bibliometric information in open science.

●       Linguistic aspects of metadata presentation on the Web: "Subject inputs", the semantic web.

●       Normative support of bibliography at the present stage.

●       Models of functional requirements for bibliographic and authority data.

●       Bibliographic information for users: Products and services.

●       The quality of bibliographic information: Evaluation criteria.

●       Competencies of bibliographers: Training, retraining, advanced training.

●       Local lore bibliographic information in the digital age.

●       History of bibliography in Siberia.