History of Russia: Book and illustrative exhibition "The Grand Prince of Vladimir Alexander Nevsky" presented at the Russian State Library in Moscow

23 June 2021

2021 celebrates a memorable date - the 800th anniversary of the Saint Prince Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263). Marking the anniversary, the Russian State Library (Moscow) launched the book and illustrative exhibition "The Grand Prince of Vladimir Alexander Nevsky", which is available on the Marble Staircase.

The book and illustrative exhibition consists of five main sections:

- Biography and historical information about Alexander Nevsky from the annals, chronicles and other sources.

- The key events of Alexander Nevsky's reign and his military victories.

- Glorification and canonization of the Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky. Iconography and its features.

- The image of Alexander Nevsky in the hagiographies, historical painting and sculptural portraits.

- Modern scientific research on the role of the Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky in the history of Russia.

The exposition presents the chronicles, publications about the life and deeds of the Grand Prince, maps, music, illustrations and photographs from the collections of the Russian State Library.

The exhibition will run until August 30, 2021.