Regions of Russia: Exhibition "Chusovaya. Time is Water" presented at the Museum of History and Archeology of the Urals in Yekaterinburg
The Museum of History and Archeology of the Urals (Yekaterinburg) opened the exhibition "Chusovaya. Time is Water".
The Chusovaya River is related to all the significant events of the Ural. The entire centuries-old Ural history took place on its banks. Creating this exhibition, the authors decided to show different sides of the Chusovaya River, highlighting its features and emphasizing its diversity. As a result there are four exhibition sections: "The River of the Narrows", "Iron Caravans", "The Smoke of a Campfire" and "The Image of a Place".
Visitors will see a rare anchor lot used for rafting barges, a consecrated cross from the dam of the Bilimbaevsky plant, samples of minerals and fossils from the Chusovaya River valley, photographs of one of the first Ural photographers Nikolai Filatov, as well as typical objects of Soviet tourist life.
The exhibition will run until September 1, 2021.