Society and Culture: Rostov Regional Local History Museum presented the exhibition "Servants of Hippocrates", devoted to the development of medicine on the Don in the XVIII–XXI centuries

7 September 2021

The Rostov Regional Local History Museum (Rostov-on-Don) launched the exhibition "Servants of Hippocrates", devoted to the development of medicine on the Don in the XVIII–XXI centuries.

In our difficult times, the issues of healthcare and the fight against epidemics are especially relevant. Now our contemporaries are fighting the pandemic. They are the successors of the best traditions of health professionals of the past.

The exposition provides information on prominent Don doctors, including Z. V. Yermolyeva, N. A. Bogoraz, A. V. Shlepov, P. P. Kovalenko, V. I. Rusakov, T. D. Yanovich, and many others.

The exhibition features the personal belongings of Don doctors of the XIX-XX centuries, unique old medical instruments, a medical book of the XVIII century, documents, photographs, postcards with images of medical institutions of the Don Army Region, charity tokens, medals, as well as old pharmacy bottles, containers and boxes for medicinal drugs. The exposition presents a nurse's dress of the First World War. It also spotlights the treatment with herbs and salt mud, the fight against smallpox and leprosy, cholera and plague epidemics.

The exhibition will run until September 30.