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Yearbook of Imperial Theaters: The publication of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters.- G. [1-26].-Sanct-Petersburg, 1892-1920.-Title: Season 1890/91 (1892) - 1915 Yearbook of Imperial Theaters;Season 1918/1919 (1920) Yearbook of Petrograd state theaters.Subtitles: Season 1891/92(1893) - 1907/1908 Edition of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters.Place of publication: Season 1890/91 (1892) - S.-Petersburg (in terms of issues there is no).In 1915, the publication of the magazine is temporarily suspended.Resumed in 1920 (season 1918/1919).To the "Yearbook" from the season 1893/94 for the 1905/06 season, "applications" were published.An alphabetical indicator of the annual of the imperial theaters of the I-XII issues / Sost.P. P. Conradi.St. Petersburg, 1906. 38 s .. - Alphabetical index of drawings placed in the "Emperor's Advisory Yearbook" in the first 18 releases.(From the season of 1890-91 in season 1907-1908) / Sost.N. L. Glazunov.St. Petersburg, 1911. XXXI p..I. Russia.Directorate of Imperial Theaters.1.Domestic serial and continuing editions (collection).2. Year of the theater in Russia (collection).3. Theater - Russia - 19-20 centuries.-- Periodicals.4. Theatrical magazines - Russia - 19 - NA.20 centuries ..BBK 85.333 (2 = 411.2) 5Y54Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: PBG. 6: Season 1895/1896./ Ed.A. E. Molchanov.- Type of.Imp.S.-Petersburg.Theaters, 1897. - [4], 524, [4] p., 3 l.Portrait.: Il., Table .. -On Smuntie: No. 17. A copy of his imp.Highness of Prince Alexander Petrovich Oldenburg.Ex.: No oblast .. - Ex.With Exlibris: "From the books of Remizov V. A."..I. Oldenburg, Alexander Petrovich (1844-1932).II.Molchanov, A. E..1.VTB (Collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: PB
Publisher | Тип. Имп. С.-Петерб. театров |
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