Museums of Russia: State Tretyakov Gallery to open a large-scale exhibition project "Mikhail Vrubel"

3 November 2021

From November 3, 2021, to March 8, 2022, the State Tretyakov Gallery (New Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, 10 Krymsky Val) hosts the "Mikhail Vrubel" exhibition.

Mikhail Vrubel (1856–1910) occupies a unique place in the history of Russian art of the late XIX and early XX centuries. On the one hand, he belongs to the renowned Art Nouveau masters. But at the same time, the colossal distance separating Vrubel and his artistic environment is obvious.

The exhibition of works by Mikhail Vrubel will become the most important event of the year in art life. The Tretyakov Gallery possesses the largest collection of the artist's works and acts as the institution that accumulates Vrubel's oeuvre. The exhibition features over three hundred works from 14 Russian and foreign museums. More than a hundred works will enter the exposition from the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg). The exhibition will be located on three floors, presenting the multifaceted world of Vrubel.

Vrubel's life is a fascinating and tragic novel steeped in myths and legends. He can be called an "ideal artist", all of whose works are, in fact, one perfect creature. Vrubel's unique multifaceted gift requires special principles of exhibiting. Different materials and art genres in various techniques are displayed in a single exhibition space: paintings, graphics, monumental panels for mansions, a horizontal ceiling, sculptures, majolicas, photographs, costumes.