Syktyvkar educational institutions spoke about the Presidential Library Olympiad

3 December 2021

Employees of the Regional Center of the Presidential Library based the National Library of Komi Republic held a cycle of training sessions to participate in the Presidential Library's interactive Olympiad Russia in the Electronic World.

On the initiative of educational institutions of Syktyvkar representatives of the Regional Center visit educational institutions talk about the Olympiad Russia in the Electronic World and hold events based on the materials of the Olympiads of the past years for senior pupils. The next meeting was held with the tenth graders of the Technological Lyceum of Syktyvkar. The guys were divided into three teams, they chose names and captains. Participants with passion fulfilled the tasks of the rounds of the Olympiad. The greatest interest was aroused by questions on history and social studies.

The Presidential Library’s portal features a separate section devoted to the Olympiad Russia in the Electronic World, where documents, reference materials, an archive of assignments, information about the co-organizers of the project, and information about the winners of the Olympiad are available.