Soldatenkova Efrosinya Kuzminichna with the older daughter of Nina

Soldatenkova Efrosinya Kuzminichna with the senior daughter Nina: [photo].- Leningrad, [1930s].- photo printing, black and white.-Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title from the accompanying document.Photo passed on cardboard.On the back of the photo is written by hand: Mom and Ninochka.In the electronic fund of the Presidential Library, the materials of the relatives of Soldatenkova Nina Kharitonovna are presented.Electronic reproduction (2 files, JPEG: 0.4 MB).Group photography: Soldatenkova Efrosinya Kuzminichna (mother), Soldatenkova Nina Kharitonovna (sister).Copying users are not allowed.Soldatenkova (Doronenenkova) Efrosinya Kuzminichna (1909-1978) is a resident of the Blocade Leningrad.In August 1942, he was evacuated from Leningrad to the Ivanovo region.- Soldatenkova Nina Kharitonovna (1930-1942) - a resident of the Blocade Leningrad.May 22, 1942 died of heart failure.He was buried at the Kinovyevsky cemetery.1. Soldatenkova, Efrosinya Kuzminichna (1909-1978) - photos.2. Soldatenkova, Nina Kharitonovna - photos.3. Soldatenkova, Nina Kharitonovna (1930-1942) - Photos.4. People (collection).5. Russia in persons (collection).6. Documentary photos.7. Group portrait photos.BBK 63.3 (2) 614Я611Electronic Source: PBPlace of storage of the original: from the private meeting
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