Marking the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia: A large-scale exhibition about the cultural heritage of the peoples of Kuzbass "Appeal to the Origins" presented in Kemerovo
Marking the Year of Cultural Heritage of the Peoples of Russia: A large-scale exhibition about the cultural heritage of the peoples of Kuzbass "Appeal to the Origins" presented in Kemerovo
13 May 2022
The Russian Library Association
The Fedorov State Scientific Library of Kuzbass (Kemerovo) hosted the grand opening of a large-scale exhibition about the cultural heritage of the peoples of Kuzbass "Appeal to the Origins", which is dedicated to the Year of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia in partnership with the main keepers and propagandists of the cultural and historical memory of Kuzbass - the Center for Folk Creativity of Kuzbass, the State Archives of Kuzbass and the Kuzbass Museum-Reserve "Tomskaya Pisanitsa".