Society and Culture: The exhibition “Velimir Khlebnikov. The King of Time” opens in Moscow

29 June 2022

On June 29, 2022 the exhibition Velimir Khlebnikov. The King of Time opens in the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow).

Marking the 100th anniversary since the death of the poet, the exposition showcases his antemortem and envisioned portraits, pictures of the family members, as well as the illustrations to the poems by Khlebnikov.

A remarkable poet of the early XX century, novelist, playwright, author of the utopian theories, Khlebnikov is remembered in the history of Russian literature as a reformer of poetic language, a genius of writing and one of the founders of futurism in Russia, who came up with the title for its Russian version – budetlyane.

Images of Klebnikov, featured in the exposition, explore friendships and work relations of the poet by revealing the various sides of the artistic and human nature.

The exhibition will run until September 18, 2022.