The dynamics of the ethnicity of Nagaybakov in the XVIII-XXI centuries.

Belorussova, Svetlana YuryevnaThe dynamics of the ethnicity of Nagaybakov in the XVIII-XXI centuries.: Author of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.07 Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology / Belorussova Svetlana Yuryevna;[Scientific.Hands.: Golovnev Andrey Vladimirovich, member.RAS, Dr. East.sciences, prof.;Dep.archeology and ethnography Feder.state.budget.Institutions of science of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Urals.Departure grew.Acad.sciences;Place of protection: Museum of anthropology and ethnography.Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS].- Yekaterinburg, 2017. -26 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.24-26 and in the settings.Note .. - on the rights of the manuscript..-130 copies..I. Golovnev, Andrey Vladimirovich.II.Institute of History and Archeology (Yekaterinburg).III.Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.Peter the Great (St. Petersburg) .1.People (collection).2. Nagaybaki-historical and ethnographic studies-author of dissertations.3. Ethnography, ethnology and anthropology.BBK 63.521 (= 632) I031Source of an electronic copy: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography.Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) RAS.Website
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