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New Word = A? AMTA Toran: Evening Asseting Textbook / under the hands.IN AND.Cincius comp.Stud.Institute of Peoples of the North P.V.Audukanov, A.A.Cherkanov, N.K.Neoevl and others;Scientific and slander.Association of the Institute of Peoples of the North CEC of the USSR.- Leningrad: Uchpedgiz, 1932. -64 p., 8 l.table.: il., table .. -Text on Russian.And Even.ulcer.Paralle.Tit.l.on Russian.ulcer..I. Nerevlya, N.K .. II.Tarabukin, N.S. .. III.Tycanov, p.V .. IV.Cincius, V.I. .. V. Adukanov, p.V .. vi.Cherkanov, A.A. VII.Institute of the Peoples of the North (Leningrad).Research Association 1.Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RAS
Publisher | Учпедгиз |