Temporary instruction for inspection for university students: Moscow, Kharkov, Novorossiysk, Kazan and St. Vladimir

Temporary instruction for inspection for university students: Moscow, Kharkov, Novorossiysk, Kazan and St. Vladimir.- [Kazan]: Univ.Type., [1879].-11, 9 s .. -On the basis of the highest approved on August 2, 1879, the provisions of the City Committee.I affirm ministers.October 26 days of 1879.Minister of Education (signed) Count Dmitry Tolstoy.In the book.Also: Rules for students of imperial Russian universities: Moscow, Kharkov, Novorossiysk, Kazan and St. Vladimir.- Ex.: Without Titus.l.and region..I. Tolstoy, Dmitry.1.Territory (collection).2. Power (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
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