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Vavilov, N.Materials to the question of the stability of bread cereals against parasitic mushrooms = Beitraage Zur Frage Uber Die Verschiedene Widerstandsfahigkeit Der GEGEN PARASITISCHE PILZE;Essay on the current state of the doctrine about the immunity of bread cereals to fungal diseases = der Gegenwartige Stand Der Frage Nach Der Immunitat Der Getreide Gegen Pilzkrankheiten: with 3 centuries.table.- Moscow: Typo-Lit.T-va I.N.Kushnerev and Co., 1913. -158 p., 3 l.Il.: table .. - (works of the breeding station at the Moscow Agricultural Institute; issue 1).-Part of the text is for the last.foreign.ulcer.Tit.l.and region.paralle.on Russian.And him.ulcer.Bibliogr.In the text and subscription.Note..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: REU
Publisher | Типо-лит. Т-ва И.Н. Кушнерев и К° |