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Architecture of the USSR: Acad.Architecture of the USSR, the Union of Councils.architects of the USSR and exercise.in architecture matters in owls.ministers of the RSFSR.- Moscow ;Leningrad: State.Publishing house lit.for construction and architecture, 1933-1991.-Title: 1933-1941, 1951-1987, No. 4 Architecture of the USSR;1946-1950 Architecture and construction;1987, No. 5 - 1991 Architecture of the USSR.Arch..1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS1939. No. 2. February: body of the Union of Councils.Architects: year of ed.7. - Moscow, 1939. -96 p.: il., pl., schemes., table., Damn .. -Bibliogr.In the tuning.Note .. - Ex.: without region..1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS