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Izvestia Assembly[G.34].1917. No. 10 / ed.Ed.- Ing.D.Yu.Kareev.- [Petrograd]: ed.Meetings of Traffic Engineers, 1917. -213-236 p.: il., table., Damn., Count., Schemes .. -Contents: The phenomenon of the bulging / R.V.Polovtsov.The formula for storm water from small pools / B.A.Rippas.For Russian engineers / prof.ON THE.Bellyubsky.About irrigation of the Tauride lips.the waters of the river.Dnieper / N. Nyrkov.Chronicle of the Union of Traffic Engineers, [et al.].- Bibliogr.In the text and subscription.Note .. - Ex.: without region..I. Kareev, D.Yu.1.People (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS
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