Information to the Secretary Lock and LGK of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b) A. A. Zhdanov on reserves in Leningrad of food goods on October 16, 1941
F. R-24.Information to the Secretary Lock and LGK of the All -Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (b) A. A. Zhdanov on reserves in Leningrad of food goods on October 16, 1941
October 17, 1941
Central State Archive of Historical and Political Documents of St. Petersburg
Card for manufactured goods
Card for manufactured goods. The Leningrad Region, 1941.
Жуков, А. А., частное собрание
Dependent card for manufactured goods
Dependent card for manufactured goods. Leningrad, 1943.
Жуков, А. А., частное собрание
Card for sugar and confectionery. ed., Oil animal. and grows.
Card for sugar and confectionery. ed., Oil animal. and rastit.Leningrad, 1942.
Жуков, А. А., частное собрание
Card for cereals and pasta, meat and meat products
Card for cereals and pasta, meat and meat products. Leningrad, 1942.
Жуков, А. А., частное собрание
Pass to the dining room
Leningrad House of Scientists. M. Gorky. Passage to the dining room. Leningrad: Printing house number 3 named. Comintern, 1942.
Жуков, А. А., частное собрание
K.I. Ryzhov."The fate of Leningrad will be decided"
F. R-646.K.I. Ryzhov."The fate of Leningrad will be decided."
February 3, 1942
Central State Archive of Literature and Art of St. Petersburg
- Документы, доступные в электронных читальных залах
Leningrad in the days of the blockade
Fadeev, A. Leningrad in the days of the blockade.Moscow: Soviet writer, 1944.Children and the blockade
Children and blockade.
St. Petersburg: Profi-Center, 2009.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах