The USSR and African countries in 1945-1991
The USSR and African countries in 1945-1991
Africa Freedom Day: a set of match labels.
Day of Freedom of Africa: set of match labels.1963.
Из частного собрания
Visit to the State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve of the Catherine Palace of Prime Minister Tunisia Hedi Amar Nuir, April 1972: [photography]
A visit to the State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve of the Catherine Palace of Prime Minister Tunisia Hedi Amar Nuir, April 1972: [photography].1972.
Из частного собрания
Yulian Semyonov with Soviet military advisers and civilian specialists during a business trip to Angola and Mozambique in March 1985
Yulian Semyonov with Soviet military advisers and civilian specialists during a business trip to Angola and Mozambique in March 1985. March 1985.
Культурный Фонд Юлиана Семенова