Patriotic, social, cultural work at the plant

Patriotic, social, cultural work at the plant

Первая полоса газеты "Нефтяник" за 1972 год, № 1

The first strip of the newspaper "Neftyanik" for 1972, No. 1. 1972.
Administration of MO Kirishi municipal district of the Leningrad region

The front page of the first issue of the large-circulation newspaper “Neftyanik”, created by the decision of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, the Komsomol Committee and the Directorate of the Kirishi Oil Refinery named after the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol

Дворец культуры "Кинеф" (г. Кириши, Ленинградская область). Подписание соглашения об открытии филиала Академического Малого драматического театра – Театра Европы

Palace of Culture "Kinef" (Kirishi, Leningrad region).Signing of the agreement on the opening of a branch of the Academic Maly Drama Theater - Theater of Europe.2004.
Администрация МО Киришский муниципальный район Ленинградской области