Description |
The genealogy book of princes and nobles of Russian and departments.Containing in itself: 1).The genealogy book, collected and composed in the outlet under Tsar, Theodore Alekseevich and complemented at times, and which is known under the name of the velvet book;2).The painting is alphabetical to those surnames from which the genealogy murals are presented to the rose, with the indication, the bite of those births have occurred, or left, or about which there is no news;Also, what kinds of births came from those births, in what cases their names received, and finally, under which n those genealogies are in a rhertic archive;3).The painting in which the departure birth is shown together at the places of their exit, and 4).Alphabetical painting, serving instead of a table of contents, which shows all the names contained in both parts of the Sey Books, the number of which extends to 930;Published on self -controlled lists: [in 2 parts].Part 1. - Moscow: In the university printing house, N. Novikov, 1787. - 352, [34] p.- In the university printing house, N. Novikov, 1787. -.Electronic copy source: PB
Publisher | В Университетской типографии у Н. Новикова |