The Presidential Library to bring together librarians from the CIS countries
On October 3, 2023, at 09:30, within the framework of the interstate program “St. Petersburg - the cultural capital of the Commonwealth in 2023,” the International Conference of Librarians of the CIS Countries “Cultural Diversity of the Commonwealth: Library Initiatives” will be held at the Presidential Library.
According to established tradition, the International Conference of Librarians of the CIS Countries is held in the city declared the cultural capital of the Commonwealth of the CIS Countries. In 2017, the conference was held in the city of Ganja (Azerbaijan), in 2019 - in Brest (Belarus), in 2021 - in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), in 2022 - in the city of Karakol (Kyrgyzstan).
The purpose of the international conference of librarians is to discuss multilateral library projects aimed at popularizing and promoting the values of cultural diversity of the CIS member states.
The upcoming conference will focus on the issues related to providing access to the literary heritage of the CIS member states, as well as the interaction of libraries, archives and museums of the Commonwealth, the creation of interstate exhibitions, and international library projects.
The organizers of the conference are the Interstate Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS Member States, the Eurasian Library Assembly, the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg and the Presidential Library.
As part of the conference, it is planned to sign an agreement with the online encyclopeia Ruwiki, as well as to open a remote access center to the resources of the Presidential Library in the Tauride Palace, at the Headquarters of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States. This will provide access to the entire library’s collections, which involve more than a million digital copies of books, archival documents, photographs and other materials on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, and the Russian language. The portal features digital collections dedicated to all states of the Commonwealth. Remote access points to the library collections are open in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Tajikistan.
The interaction of the Presidential Library with the IPA CIS is actively developing. In February 2023, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Secretariat of the Council of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly and the Presidential Library, within the framework of which digital copies of model laws and other documents adopted by the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly are transferred to the library’s collections. More than 30 documents are now available on the Presidential Library’s portal.
In August 2023, the Presidential Library hosted the grand opening of the International Forum, the motto of which is “Art is limitless and eternal, it unites peoples and nations”. The forum was held as part of the International Festival-Symposium, which was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the CIS and included a whole series of scientific, artistic and musical events aimed at bringing cultures closer together and unifying the peoples of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The Presidential Library was one of the partners of the world's first festival-symposium of this format. In addition, in August, the Presidential Library joined the International Youth Forum of the CIS Member States “The Role of the Russian Language in the Humanitarian Integration of the Commonwealth Countries”, which was held in the cities of Dushanbe and Guliston (Republic of Tajikistan).
Accreditation of media representatives is until 12:00 October 2, 2023.
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The letter should contain the full name, date and place of birth, passport data (series, number, place of registration), a list of carry-on equipment, contact phone numbers, the name of the media.
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